Awesome benefits of Neem leaf

Awesome benefits of Neem leaf

Neem has many wonderful medical benefits and it kills cancers problem, it kills bacteria and virus in your body. If u take daily neem water bathing like as take few neem leaves and throughout heat water and stay some minute then remove neem leaves after that you can proceed your bathing with the neem water, this is very useful for remove your skin problem like itching, rashes and more your skin problem. Neem are use many of health care toxins in the blood, toxins in the liver, too much heat in the system, infection, inflammation, arthritis, parasites, candida, diarrhea, fever, skin disorders such as eczema, psoriasis, itching, acne, eye disorders, inflammation in the GI tract, hyperacidity, ulcers, colitis, crohn’s disease, hemorrhoids, ringwarm, scabies, lice, rash, fungal, infection, sinus infection, lung congestion, diabetes, slow metabolism, inflamtion in the uterus, lowers sperm count, used for oral care and neem leaves are used many type of ayurvedhic, medicine purposes.
Nee leafs that’s name of, deep boil 20 neem leaves in half a liter of water till in 10minutes then water turns green color after that stay and store in a bottle without dry places. Apply this liquid on your skin toner then massage gently with cotton ball properly your face at overnight, use this tip regularly definitely remove your blackheads, pimples and acne. One another remedy for removes your pimples using neem leaves make neem paste with turmeric paste and mix together properly then apply this paste gently on your face at twice in weekly then you got clean & soft face without having a pimple and acne.

All parts of the neem tree are used in traditional medicine for the treatment of inflammation, infections, fever, skin, disease and dental discords. Neem leave has used antifungal properties and antibacterial properties it making it effective in treating dandruff and it solves dryness and itching problems and make strengthens of your hairs and promotes hair re-growth, neem paste has been used to condition the hair and scalp.

Health uses of Neem
Birth control/contraception, boosts immune system, heart diseases, AIDS/HIV, helps to protect against diabetes, helps to eliminate dandruff and strengthen hair, jaundice, arthritis, effective in treating malaria sympoms, enczema, cancer, herpes, warts, beneficial in treating acne, turns skin clear, prevent reduces blackheads, controls excess oil, lighting skin pigmentation, treats skin dryness, prevents development of blemishes and pimples, stomach ulcers, skin disorders, viral diseases, athlete’s foot, rheumatism, boils/ulcers, nail fungus, chicken fox, dental care, ringworm, head lice and stress, gives relief from bad breath, protects teeth and gums against oral periodontal, lowers risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases, provides relief from constipation, bloating and cramping, helps to treat or prevent certain sexually transmitted diseases.

General properties:

Specific internal Uses of Neem
Gastrointestinal aliments/ ulcers (duodenal, peptic)
Diabetes (type 2)/ hypoglycemia
Oral care
Heart tonic
Anti- parasitic

Specific external uses
Dermatological conditions (chronic & acute) specifically psoriasis, eczema, herpes, shingles, warts (planters) and tumors
Insect repellant
Anti- parasitic (scabies, lice) and general pet care – mage, ticks, anti-inflammatory.
